

The overflow-y property defines what to do when the content overflows vertically in an element.


overflow-y: visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto;


        .div5 {
            border: 1px solid red;
            max-width: 300px;
            max-height: 100px;

        .div1 {
            overflow-y: scroll;

        .div2 {
            overflow-y: visible;

        .div3 {
            overflow-y: hidden;

        .div4 {
            overflow-y: clip;

        .div5 {
            overflow-y: auto;

Property Values

visible: displays the overflow content outside the element box. (default box)

hidden: overflow contents are invisible. The scroll bar can be added.

clip: overflow is clipped, overflow contents are invisible. The scroll bar is also forbidden.

scroll: overflow is clipped but a scroll bar is added to the element.

auto: automatically sets the value. if overflow is clipped then a scroll bar is added.