

The font property defines the font of an element. It is a shorthand property for font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, and font-family.


font: font-style font-variant font-weight font-size font-family | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar ;

Here, The font-size and font-family values are required while other values are optional.


        .div-1 {
            font: caption;
        .div-2 {
            font: icon;
        .div-3 {
            font: menu;
        .div-4 {
            font: message-box;
        .div-5 {
            font: small-caption;
        .div-6 {
            font: status-bar;
        .div-7 {
            font: italic small-caps bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif;

Property Values

font-style: sets the font style.

font-variant: sets the font variant.

font-weight: sets the font weight.

font-size: sets the font size.

font-family: sets the font family.

caption: uses the font used by captioned controls like buttons, drop-downs, etc.

icon: uses the font used by icon labels.

menu: Uses the font used by menus.

message-box: uses the font used by dialog and alert boxes.

small-caption: a smaller version of the caption font.

status-bar: uses the font used by the status bar.