

This help() function invokes the built-in help system.




  • object: Optional.
    • If no argument is given, the interactive help system starts on the interpreter console.
    • If the argument is a string, then the string is looked up as the name of a module, class, class, function, keyword, or documentation topic, and a help page is printed on the console.
    • If the argument is any other kind of object, a help page on the object is generated.


>>> help()

Welcome to Python 3.10's help utility!

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the internet at <>.

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
>>> help(dict)
Help on class dict in module builtins:

class dict(object)
 |  dict() -> new empty dictionary
 |  dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
 |      (key, value) pairs
 |  dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
 |      d = {}
 |      for k, v in iterable:
 |          d[k] = v
 |  dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
 |      in the keyword argument list.  For example:  dict(one=1, two=2)
 |  Methods defined here: