
Check Palindrome Number in Python

In this, we'll write some example programs to check palindrome number in Python using different approaches.

This covers following approaches:

  • Check palindrome number in Python using while loop
  • Check palindrome number in Python using a user-defined function
  • Check palindrome number in Python using class

Palindrome Numbers:

A palindrome number is a number whose reverse is equal to the number itself. For example, the reverse of 1771 is equal to the number itself, therefore 1771 is a palindrome number. And 123 is not a Palindrome number, because its reverse 321 is not equal to the number itself.


Check palindrome number in Python using while loop

This program asks the user to input a number. It checks whether the number is palindrome or not and print the result.

print("Enter the Number: ")
num = int(input())
reverse = 0
temp = num
while temp>0:
    rem = temp%10
    reverse = rem + (reverse*10)
    temp = int(temp/10)
if reverse==num:
    print("It is a Palindrome Number")
    print("It is not a Palindrome Number")


Enter the Number: 
It is not a Palindrome Number
Enter the Number: 
It is a Palindrome Number

Check palindrome number in Python using function

In this approach, the function PalindromeOrNot() takes an argument and evaluates whether a number is a palindrome or not. The function is called after user input.

def PalindromeOrNot(n):
    reverse = 0
    temp = n
    while temp>0:
        rem = temp%10
        reverse = rem + (reverse*10)
        temp = int(temp/10)
    if reverse==n:
        print("It is a Palindrome Number")
        print("It is not a Palindrome Number")

print("Enter a Number: ")
num = int(input())



Enter a Number: 
It is a Palindrome Number
Enter a Number: 
It is not a Palindrome Number

Check palindrome number in Python using Class

The same can be done with class method as follows:

class PalindromeChecker:
  def PalindromeOrNot(self, n):
    reverse = 0
    temp = n
    while temp>0:
        rem = temp%10
        reverse = rem + (reverse*10)
        temp = int(temp/10)
    if reverse==n:
        print("It is a Palindrome Number")
        print("It is not a Palindrome Number")

print("Enter a Number: ")
num = int(input())

obj = PalindromeChecker()
res = obj.PalindromeOrNot(num)

Here, all properties of the class named PalindromeChecker get assigned to an object named obj. Then the object can be used to access the member function of the class PalindromeOrNot using the dot (.) operator. (obj.PalindromeOrNot(num))


Enter a Number: 
It is a Palindrome Number
Enter a Number: 
It is not a Palindrome Number


In this, we discussed how to Check palindrome number in Python using while loop, using function, and using class.