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How To Create REST API In Node.js Using AWS API Gateway

How To Create REST API In Node.js Using AWS API Gateway
How To Create REST API In Node.js Using AWS API Gateway

Let’s learn how to create REST API in node.js using AWS API Gateway. We will look at connecting API Gateway with a Lambda function.


AWS API Gateway is a fully managed service that enables developers to easily design, publish, maintain, monitor, and protect APIs of any size. APIs serve as the “front door” through which apps access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services. AWS API Gateway allows you to construct RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs for real-time two-way communication applications. API Gateway supports containerized and serverless workloads, as well as web applications.

In this article, we are going to look at connecting AWS API Gateway with a Lambda function. Through this, we are going to look at creating REST API in Node.js using API Gateway.


AWS API Gateway

Creating an API

Firstly search for API Gateway on the AWS consoles dashboards search bar, and click on it. Clicking on it will redirect you to the Amazon API Gateway dashboard.

Getting to the API Gateway Dashboard - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Getting to the API Gateway Dashboard

There are multiple options to choose from as shown in the image below.

API Gateway Dashboard
API Gateway Dashboard

Let’s select the REST API, and click on the build button. After completing the steps, you will be redirected to the create page.

Creating a REST API
Creating a REST API

Choose the REST option in the choose the protocol section, and in the create new API section choose the option New API. Give the API a name, and description and leave other options as it is as shown in the image below.

Filling up information for Creating a new API - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Filling up information for Creating a new API

After The created API is done, you are redirected to the API Gateways API page, where you can create endpoints like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

Creating HTTP Method GET

Let’s create a GET method, and set it up together with a Lambda.

For that click on the create method option present inside the actions dropdown as shown below.

Creating an HTTP Method
Creating an HTTP Method

Then choose the GET option as shown in the image below, then click on the button with a checkmark, which is present on the right side of the dropdown.

Creating GET method
Creating GET method

Afterward, you can set up the newly created method. In this article, we are going to trigger a Lambda through the API Gateway, so in the case of this article we are going to choose the integration type as Lambda Function.

Using this option we can connect it to a pre-existing lambda function, or we can create a new one.

Connecting the GET endpoint with a Lambda
Connecting the GET endpoint with a Lambda

We will create a new Lambda function, and the steps are listed in the topic below.

Connecting HTTP Method with a Lambda

For connecting the Lambda to the API Gateway let us create a lambda from scratch.

Creating a Lambda from Scratch - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Creating a Node.js Lambda from Scratch

According to your need, you can select the functions name, node version, and the architecture it will run on.

Lambda Edit/Detail page
Lambda Edit/Detail page

Now, you can edit the code according to your need, and deploy it as shown in the image below.

Editing and Deploying the Lambda - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Editing and Deploying the Lambda

The code edited to generate a random number is.

Edited Code

//* GenerateRandomNumber lambda

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    let x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        body: JSON.stringify(x),
    return response;

The above code will generate a random number between 1 to 100.

After Deploying the changes to the lambda, copy the Function ARN as shown in the image below.

Lambda Function ARN - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Lambda Function ARN

After copying the Function ARN paste it into the REST API we were creating as shown in the image below, and give permission if it asks for it.

Keeping Lambda ARN in the GET Method
Keeping Lambda ARN in the GET Method
Adding permission to the API Gateway to invoke Lambda
Adding permission to the API Gateway to invoke Lambda

After giving permission for API Gateway to invoke the Lambda function, we can test and deploy the API.

At this point in the article, we are at the halfway point of achieving our goal of creating REST API in Node.js using AWS API Gateway.

Testing the connected Lambda

Before Deploying the function let’s test it. Click on the test button as shown in the image.

Testing the GET Method
Invoking the Lambda through the Test - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Invoking the Lambda through the Test
Test Result - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Test Result

The result is back in the console. It shows the response body, response header, and logs the function has generated.

Deploying the lambda

For the API to run it need to be deployed, it is done after API is tested, and the deployment is done by going into actions and clicking on the Deploy API option.

Deploying the GET Method
Deploying the GET Method
Giving a name to the stage before deploying
Giving a name to the stage before deploying

The API requires a stage name, and after deploying to a stage, an invoke URL is generated. This URL later handles the requests.

Generated API invoke URL
Generated API invoke URL

After the deployment of API is complete. This is the invoke URL, which when requested will invoke the GenerateRandomNumber lambda and return the response of the invoked lambda.

Invoking the API Gateway URL

Let’s copy the URL and invoke it through a web browser, or through Postman.

Response of API received after invoking the invoke URL
Response of API received after invoking the invoke URL
Response of the API (format) - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Response of the API (format)

The results are returned in the form of a JSON object, we can confirm it through the return content-type. We have succeeded in creating a REST API in node.js using AWS API Gateway.

HTTP Methods in Lambda

A single REST API can have multiple endpoints which are made through the API Gateway. This is shown in the images down below.

HTTP Methods possible in API Gateway
HTTP Methods possible in API Gateway

The Methods that can be present inside are:

  • ANY
  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

Each of these methods can have a lambda attached to it, making one REST API able to contain multiple functionalities.

HTTP Methods possible in API Gateway REST API - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
HTTP Methods possible in API Gateway REST API

The above shows the Methods that can be present inside a single REST API endpoint. So, that’s how you create REST API in Node.js using AWS API Gateway.

Furthermore, we can look at the logs of the function in the CloudWatch service, so let’s look at that.


The CloudWatch keeps the logs of all the Lambda invocations. It is put in a group with the name GenerateRandomNumber which is the same as the created lambdas name.

When the log group is selected it shows the number of logs that the lambda has been triggered.

Cloudwatch log groups
Cloudwatch log groups
Inside our GenerateRandomNumber Lambda log group
Inside our GenerateRandomNumber Lambda log group

Let’s select a specific log in the log stream.

Log of API invocation - Create REST API in Node.js using AWS Lambda
Log of API invocation

Finally, the log shows the start of the lambda and its RequestId, end the end of the request with initialization duration, billed duration, and memory consumed.


So, in this article, we learned, how to create a REST API in Node.js using AWS API Gateway through the AWS console.

Learn about creating a simple REST API in Lambda Here.

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