
docker create

The docker create command is used to create a new container from the specified image but doesn’t start it. Or, alternatively, you can use docker container create also. It’s similar to docker run -d except the container is never started.


$ docker create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]


Options: --add-host, --attach, --expose, —memory or -m, --label, —network, --rm, —tty or -t, etc.


  • Create and start a container and Attach pseudo-TTY:
$ docker contaner create -i -t --name cloudycontainer alpine
$ docker container start --attach -i cloudycontainer
/ # echo hello world

hello world

The above is the equivalent of docker run:

$ docker run -it --name cloudycontainer2 alpine
/ # echo hello world

hello world
  • Initialize volumes
$ docker create -v /data --name data ubuntu
$ docker run --rm --volumes-from data ubuntu ls -la /data

Here, it will create the data volume container and then use it from another container.