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Best Books to Learn Python for Beginners

Best Books to Learn Python for Beginners
Best Books to Learn Python for Beginners

Which is the best book to learn Python for beginners like me? How and where should I get started? Which is the best online course for learning Python? Are some of the most common questions we worry about before getting started with Python.

Stack Overflow developer survey 2020 ranked Python as the 3rd most popular programming language and 4th most popular technology. Simplicity and ease of learning, a wide range of applications, a fantastic community, and resources available are few of the many reasons to learn Python.

If you are willing to learn Python, there are many resources (both online and offline) available to learn from. In this article, we will try to keep it simple and focus on the best books to learn Python for beginners.

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science (3rd Edition)

It is vital to understand the basic concepts of computer science and programming before getting started with Python. This book does the same. It discusses the idea of computer science and programming as a beginner-friendly language.

This is the best book to learn python for beginners because the Python concepts explained are easy to understand and have examples.

Learn Python the Hard Way, Zed Ahaw

Zed Shaw’s Learn Python the Hard Way is a classic. It is one of the most highly regarded books for learning Python. The book has helped thousands of people to get started with Python programming language.  

Learn Python the Hard Way starts by teaching how to install a complete Python environment on your desired platform. It will then follow by helping you understand basic math, strings, variables, data structure, and other topics.   

The learning process of the book is straightforward. There are a total of 52 exercises on the book which you will go through. You have to type the exact code line by line, character-by-character, and make it run. Once you have it working, there is a detailed explanation of how the code works and associated concepts.

Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming, Eric Matthes

The Python Crash Course is an excellent book for beginners to become accustomed to the programming language. The book is simple to understand, and it’s a fantastic intro to programming. As you work through this book, you will start writing code and solving problems in no time.

During the first half of this book, you will learn Python’s fundamentals on lists, dictionaries, classes, and loops, etc. Later on, you will work on three projects: arcade game, Space Invaders, data visualizations.

Head First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide, by Paul Barry

Head First Python is a book that is fun to read and helps you quickly grasp Python language fundamentals. The book provides a real understanding of why things work the way they do with visual format rather than text-based. 

The books begin with covering the essentials and will move into more advanced topics like building your web application, data wrangling, mobile apps, and other concepts.

Think Python, by Allen B. Downey

Think Python is a book designed to be both simple and effective and strives to teach us how to think about coding in a general way.

This book gives you a step-by-step guide on Python fundamentals such as data types and operators and gradually moves to topics of functions, flow control, and recursion in a friendly way. It gives you a solid understanding of Python fundamentals along with several practical code examples for real-world applications. 

Learning Python will open new career possibilities, and the opportunities are endless. However, it requires a level of dedication and continuity to master the language. Here are some learning strategies and tips for you, which will help you become a Rock star Python programmer in the future. 

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