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Beginner Tips for Learning Python Programming

Beginner Tips for Learning Python Programming
Beginner Tips for Learning Python Programming

Python popularity has skyrocketed over the years. And some of the most common queries we get these days include: What are the tips for learning Python? Is there any beginner guide for learning Python? How do I get started?

We are so excited that you have decided to embark on the Journey of Learning Python. 

But remember, the first thing you need to understand in learning any programming language is to make sure that you know how to learn it as it helps you speed up your learning process and become a successful programmer.

Python is so exciting that it brings lots of possibilities from web development to data science (data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning), scripting, and much more. You can get brief understanding of what Python is and its various use case from What Is Python? An Introduction to Python Programming Language

Tips for Learning Python the correct way for Beginner

In this article, we will offer you some learning strategies that will help start your becoming a Rockstar Python programmer!

Figure Out Why You Want to Learn Python

The question of how fast you can learn any programming language depends on why you want to learn, what your motivation is, and your goals, so it’s worth asking yourself those questions. Due to a lack of enough motivation, I almost escaped through every programming class in high school. 

Python is very much like a superpower, and you gain the ability to get into a lot of domains.

  • Basic Scripts for automation
  • Web Development
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence.

With so many possibilities with what you can do with Python, it is much needed to focus on one at the beginning. As you get hands-on with some scope of it, you can explore its superpower.  

Get your Basic right

The first step is always crucial, and you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of python syntax before moving ahead.

Most online tutorials assume that you need to learn all of Python syntax before you can start doing anything interesting. Ideally, it would help if you only spent at least a couple of weeks on this phase, and no more than a month.

Be aware that you might lose your patience as you can’t see anything interesting coming out of it but helps you build a strong foundation that holds up to all programming languages.

Code Everyday

So far, the best way to learn to code is to code. It is vital to code every day when you are learning a new programming language. It develops consistency and helps you become more familiar with the language. I recommend committing at least a couple of hours to code every day.  

Even the professionals are always keeping up with the newest trends to improve their code. As a beginner, you should prepare yourself for a long-term journey to becoming a programmer by practicing it every day.

Type, code programs, get it running at your computer, don’t just read them.

Engage with Forum

Python has a large online community being one of the most widely used programming languages today. It is easy to interact with other people to clear your doubts or participate in discussions. Answering questions on online forums is excellent to increase your understanding of Python and clear your concepts. You’ll be surprised at how eager to help many people are to help. It’s flattering to be asked to share expertise.

It is vital in the beginning to be in touch with others who are trying to learn Python as well. It allows you to share the tips and tricks you learn along the way.

Contribute to Open Source

Python is an open-source programming language, and there are tons of publicly available source code where you can contribute. There are many Python projects and libraries that are open-source and take contributions from developers worldwide, and you can be part of it. It means you can work with code written and produced by the engineers working in these companies.

Contributing to an open-source Python project is a great way to create precious learning experiences and better yourself every day in coding. 

Work on Projects on Your Own

Once you get hands-on and overview of the Python Programming language, you should start working on small projects and programs.

The idea of working on the project is the best way to learn, but you don’t have to dive straight into creating a project that feels impossible to start, let alone finish. 

Some examples of projects that can be made are a calculator app, an alarm clock app, a tic-tac-toe game, etc. After completing the beginner stage, one can start doing projects on the domain you want to pursue further (like Web-development, ML, etc.).

Don’t worry about if you are messing up the layout or structure of your project. For now — get to building!

Teach Python to someone else

It is said that you only know something when you can teach it to someone else. So, share what you learn to others. You don’t have to be an expert on it and is not challenging as well. You can share your newly acquired concepts, whether in the form of blog posts, participating in the events, engaging with the community, etc. It will enhance your understanding of Python and expose any holes in your knowledge that need to be filled.

Start now

There is no secret becoming an overnight better programmer. It takes practice, patience, and perseverance. Stay curious to learn more; make it fun writing codes. The reward is in the process and enjoying each stop along the way. 

Bonus Tips 

1. Take a few minutes every day to recall what you have done and acknowledge your improvement.

2. When you are free, explore more, read blogs, follow coders you admire in the social media, subscribe to the programming related news later.

3. Study other frameworks’ source code, for example, learn the better ways of writing code.

4. Show your code and ask for the feedback without fearing criticism.

5. Find local events or Meetups 

6. Be consistent, and if you are not consistent in learning, it might take a lot more time and effort.

7. In the same way, don’t be afraid to ask other people to improve your code – in fact, many people will jump at the chance, because it will help them learn too!

After completing our beginner tips for learning Python, you are now ready to get started with learning Python.

Happy Coding !

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