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Detailed Guide To Implement Google OAuth In Node.Js

Detailed Guide To Implement Google OAuth In Node.Js
Detailed Guide To Implement Google OAuth In Node.Js

In this article, we’ll be implementing authentication using Google OAuth in Node.js. For this, we’ll be using Passport.js, which is a package for Node.js, used for authentication.

For implementing authentication using Google OAuth in Node.Js, we need to create a Google client ID. We can create a client ID and client secret using its Google API Console. You need to follow below steps shown below.

Select the dropdown - Google OAuth in Node.js
Select the dropdown
creating a new project - Google OAuth in Node.js
creating a new project
creating a project - Google OAuth in Node.js
creating a project

Now, that the project is created go to the same drop don and select the newly created project

Select the newly created project - Google OAuth in Node.js
Select the newly created project

Now go into the dashboard

Go into the dashboard after creating the project
Go into the dashboard after creating the project

Now, go into APIs and services and select enable APIs and services.

Getting into the Apis and services library - Google OAuth in Node.js
Getting into the Apis and services library

Now select Google+ API in the library

selecting the google plus api - Google OAuth in Node.js
Selecting the Google plus API

Then next step is to enable it.

Enable Google+ API - Google OAuth in Node.js
Enable Google+ API

Now the google plus api is create credentials, for that follow the steps below

configuring the consent screen
select external users as and click on create
select external users as and click on create
Adding app information
Adding app information
adding scopes
adding scopes

Now add a test user

adding a test user
adding a test user

Now lets get into the credentials page

activate the OAuth client ID option on create credential dropdown
activate the OAuth client ID option on create credential dropdown
create a new credential
create a new credential
Creating credential for web appliation
Creating credential for web appliation

After this process is complete you receive your client id and your client secret copy them and keep them secure.

your client id and client secret

Now that the application is created and you have received your client id and client secret, now comes the coding part.

Coding part for Google OAuth in Node.js

Create a folder and initialize a nodejs application, add the dependencies those being

  • express: server
  • dotenv: use environment variables
  • passport: used for authentication
  • passport-google-oauth20: provides strategy for google authentication

Now, create three files .env, index.js, and passport.js

## creating a directory
$ mkdir google-auth && cd google-auth

## Initializing a Node.Js application
$ npm init -y

## add dependencies
$ npm i dotenv passport passport-google-oauth20 express

## creating file and opening it in a code editor
$ touch index.js .env passport.js
$ code .

.env file

Add your google client secret and client id that you copied here.

## .env file


index.js file

//* index.js file

const express = require("express");
const passport = require("passport");
const app = express();



  passport.authenticate("google", {
    scope: ["profile", "email"],
    prompt: "consent",
    session: false,

  passport.authenticate("google", {
    session: false,
    successRedirect: "/success",
    failureRedirect: "/fail",

app.get("/success", (req, res) => {
  res.send("User Logged In");

app.get("/fail", (req, res) => {
  res.send("Login failed");

app.listen(3000, console.log("3000 started"));

passport.js file

//* passport.js file

const passport = require("passport");
const GoogleStrategy = require("passport-google-oauth20").Strategy;

  new GoogleStrategy(
      clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
      callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000",
    function (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
      return done(null, profile);

The above callback URL is the same as the URL added in the google developer console, authorized callback url.

Now let’s test the code

firstly we go the the google login route which is http://localhost:3000/google

Going to the route localhost:3000/google
Going to the route localhost:3000/google

After getting the sign up form, let us choose an account to login to the application.

select an account
select an account

Now, that is account is chosen, we get success response and the data received is User Logged in.

success response

At the same time google has sent us the user information which are email and profile info. We have logged the profile, so let’s look at the log to check if the user data has been sent or not.

Response on login success
Response on login success

So, we can see that the response from google has all the data that is email and profile which is needed to identify a user.


We have touched upon two topics in this article, first one being generating client id and client secret through the google developer console, and the next being authentication via Google OAuth using Passport.js in Node.js. Look into how to send emails using a Gmail account here.

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