
docker run

The command docker run process a container to be run in isolated form. When docker runs it has its own file system, networking, and its own isolated process tree separated from the host machine.

docker run Syntax (General)


Here, IMAGE must be specified to derive the container.

And Options : --add-host, --attach or -a, --expose, —hostname or -h, --network, —name, --rm, --env-file, —tty or -t, etc.

Note: Since the run command interacts with containers, the new command docker container run is preferred to use.

Preferred one:

$ docker container run [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG|@DIGEST] [COMMAND] [ARG...]


$ docker container run sbmagar/demoapp --name demoapp

Here, --name <container_name> is used to define the container name for the image.

You can define different options when executing docker run or docker container run like the following:

  • Detached mode(background)
$ docker container run -d sbmagar/demoapp

It runs the container in the background. You can use -d=true or just -d.

  • Foreground mode (without -d)
$ docker container run sbmagar/demoapp
  • With container name identity (using --name <container_name>)
$ docker container run -d sbmagar/demoapp --name demoapp 
  • Interactive mode (-i and -t)
$ docker container run -d -i -t sbmagar/demoapp /bin/sh --name demoapp

Here, -i and -t must use together to be run in interactive mode(terminal and pseudo-tty). You can use it as -ti or -it as well.

The output will be similar:

  • Publishing port
$ docker container run -d -p 80:8000 sbmagar/demoapp --name demoapp

Here, port 8000 is the port used by the container, and 80 is the port to be used by the host machine.