I am a Python/DevOps Engineer. Skilled with hands-on experience in python frameworks, system programming, cloud computing, automating, and optimizing mission-critical deployments in AWS, leveraging configuration management, CI/CD, and DevOps processes. My expertise includes AWS, Terraform IaC, GitLab and Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker, Python/Bash Scripting, Server Administration and Maintenance, Load Balancing. Also an AI/ML enthusiast.
In this article, I’ll demonstrate how Linting Docker image with dockle works. By the end of this post, you’ll get to know in detail about linting docker image with dockle.
In this article, we’ll discuss some very useful Terraform CLI tips and cheatsheets. When you want to use a tool or improve your expertise in a particular technology, it's good to read a lot of articles and, of course, official documentation. However, sometimes having a brief cheat sheet of it, can be very handy at times.
In this, I’m gonna talk about how to deploy a Python FastAPI SSL With Traefik and Docker Compose using Let's Encrypt. You can use any application to set up SSL not just the FastAPI application with these steps.
In this article, you'll get to learn how to use dynamic block in Terraform (by HashiCorp). When using Terraform you need to have a thorough understanding of a variety of capabilities that help us make our infrastructure as code more dynamic.
In this article, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to deploy the Python application in Kubernetes. Also, I’ll talk about how to create/build and push on Docker-Hub our containerized application.
n this article, we'll be discussing permission denied errors with docker files and volumes. Also, you will get to learn why you get a ‘Permission Denied’ error and how to solve it.
In this, we'll set up AWS EKS and deploy an application to it. It'll be our production-grade Kubernetes cluster. And this will walk you through deploying a new Kubernetes cluster using Amazon EKS
Terraform count argument allows for deployment or handling of multiple resources with the same configuration block. This can be used with dynamic blocks(We’ll talk about this in the future). Terraform count eliminates the copying and pasting of the same exact resource configurations.