What is Javascript ? JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted/ just-in-time programming language that is one of the few core technologies of the World Wide Web, along side with HTML and…
Introduction Adaptive Bitrate Streaming Imagine a scenario where we have a ability to control every user's player and identify the best possible stream to feed on their connection, we would…
In many cases, you can change the permalink of WordPress from the admin dashboard provided by Wordpress itself. But in some situation where it might not be possible to access the dashboard and you only have access to the database of the Wordpress site.
One common question that arises on most of us is: What is Python so popular? Or in other word what are the advantages of Python over other languages? In this blog, we will go through some major advantages and disadvantages of Python.
Frameworks are these huge chunks of pre-packaged codes that can be used extensively and recurrently to build programs on a specific platform. Since it is an abstraction of the language itself, it establishes its users with general functionality and efficacy. This way the user can emphasize on the key specific functionality and feature of his\her software product.
Data is the new oil. Everyday, internet users generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. And with this plethora of available data, every other business wants to extract insights from it. Enterprises want to plan for the future based on the insights provided by data. In simple words, data science is the extraction of actionable insights from raw data.
In this article we are going to learn one of that type of GUI based tool, to know how to call and test gRPC endpoints just the way we love to do for our REST api endpoints.
In most cases you’d use supervisor.d or some other monitoring daemon to look after queue worker process in Laravel applications, In this post, I am going the show how pm2 can be used to run and monitor the Laravel queue.